        • News
          Iran, India Cooperation in Mining Sector
          Tehran, April27, IMIDRO_ Confederation of Indian Industry is willing to cooperate in implementation, renovation and marketing of Iran’s mineral and mining industries products.
          Publish date  :  27/04/2016  
          Australia Willing to Invest in Iran’s Gold and Copper Mines
          Tehran, April27, IMIDRO_2major Australian firms are willing to invest in Iran’s gold and copper mines.
          Publish date  :  27/04/2016  
          Iran to Implement New Steel Projects
          Tehran, April25, IMIDRO_ Iran to implement new steel projects in Persian Gulf and Oman sea coasts, Mehdi Karbasian announced.
          Publish date  :  25/04/2016  
          Axens to Study Petcoke Unit Feasibility
          Tehran,April24,IMIDRO_Technical and economic feasibility studies for setting up the first Iranian petroleum coke company have been handed over to the French engineering firm Axens.
          Publish date  :  24/04/2016  
          Tehran to Host Int’l Aluminum Confab
          Tehran, April24, IMIDRO_The Fourth Iran International Aluminum Conference is scheduled for May 11 in Tehran.
          Publish date  :  24/04/2016  
          91Thousand Employees in Iran’s 5300Mines
          Tehran, April20, IMIDRO_ Statistical Centre of Iran released the statistical report of Iranian year 1393(ended 20 March2015) which indicates that there are more than 5300 operating mines with 91 thousand employees in Iran.
          Publish date  :  20/04/2016  
          16.7Million Tons of Steel Ingots Produced
          Tehran, April19, IMIDRO_ Iran produced 16.7 million tons steel ingots during the last Iranian year (ended 19 March), Iranian Steel Producers Association announced.
          Publish date  :  19/04/2016  
          Czech to Support Mining Projects in Iran
          Tehran, April19, IMIDRO_ Investors and Managers of 18 major mines and mining industries firms from Czech Republic announced their readiness for banking and insurance support of Iran’s Mines and mining industries projects.
          Publish date  :  19/04/2016  
          worldsteel Short Range Outlook 2016-2017
          Tehran,April17,IMIDRO_The World Steel Association (worldsteel) on wedensday (Apri13)released its Short Range Outlook (SRO) for 2016 and 2017. worldsteel forecasts that global steel demand will decrease by -0.8% to 1,488 Mt in 2016 following a contraction of -3.0% in 2015. In 2017, it is forecast that world steel demand will return to growth of 0.4% and will reach 1,494 Mt.
          Publish date  :  17/04/2016  
          MetalBulletin’s Report on Iran’s “Non-ferrous Metal” Sector Growth in Post sanctions Era
          Tehran,April12,IMIDRO_The easing of international commercial sanctions against Iran is likely to boost both the country’s exports of non-ferrous metals and ores, well as foreign investment in the sector, MetalBulletin reported.
          Publish date  :  12/04/2016  

Iranian Mines & Mining Industries
Development & Renovation Organization

  • No 39, Sepahbod Gharani, Tehran, Iran
  • +98 21 88 82 91 81 - 9