Saturday, 11 July 2015
Zarshouran the Richest Gold Mine in Iran
Zarshouran was known as the richest gold mine among the six major deposits in Iran.
Tehran, July11, IMIDRO_ According to the report of the public relations of IMIDRO, currently, there are74 known gold deposits in the country, among these deposits there are six major deposits.
Zarshouran deposit is located in the region of Takab in the West Azerbaijan province and has the highest reservoir, karat and gold production. Accordingly, Zarshouran gold mine is located at the top of the six major gold deposits. Zarshouran has annual production capacity of 3 thousand kg bullions, 110 ton reserves and karat of 4.5 grams per ton.
Zarshouran and Aq Darreh in Takab, Dashkesan in the Qorveh area in the Kurdistan province,Mouteh in the Golpaygan city of Isfahan province,Kuh-e-Zar gold deposit in Torbat-e-Heydaryeh in Khorasan Razavi province and Kharvana in East Azerbaijan province were known as the major gold reservoirs in Iran.