Wednesday, 23 December 2015 815

Karbasian Emphasizes on Mining Accidents Reduction in Iran

Tehran, Dec23, IMIDRO_ Chairman of the board of IMIDRO announced that work related accidents at Health, Safety and Environment sector should be reduced.

                   Karbasian Emphasizes on Mining Accidents Reduction in Iran
According to the report of the public relations of IMIDRO, although work related accidents in mine sector decreased during the last two years but we should reduce number of work related accidents to zero, Mehdi Karbasian said at inauguration of the second Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Conference in mines and mining industries sector yesterday. Karbasian appreciated the efforts of all personnel and managers who have activities in HSE sector at the IMIDRO’s subsidiary firms. Education plays an important role in HSE. All organizations should consider HSE as a pervasive subject in mine sector and education in this sector must be at their top priorities. HSE education must be mandatory at all organizations in mine sector. IMIDRO will educate 500 person at 7 provinces at the current Iranian year (will ended 19 March 2016), he expressed. He noted that mine sector will help us to have a strong economic position in the region. Economic shares of mines and mining industries in the country are 6 percent (mine sector 1 percent, mining industries 5 percent).This figure in mining countries are 16 percent and we aimed to reach this figure.
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