Saturday, 02 January 2016 906

Bank Advances in Mine Sector

Tehran, Jan2, IMIDRO_ Average bank advances of economy’s various sectors grew 6.3 percent during the 8 months (from21March to 21 November2015), despite the 0.7 percent reduction in bank advances of industry and mine sector.

Bank Advances in Mine Sector

According to the report of the public relations of IMIDRO, the current report of Central Bank about bank advances shows that share of bank advances in mine and industry sector was 642,800 billion rials, 29.2 percent of the total bank advances of different sectors, which decreased 4.4 billion rials compared to the corresponding period the year before.
Yet, Central Bank announced that allocated bank advance to various parts of economy reached 2,197,600 billion rials during this period which has an increase of 129, 500 billion rials, about 6.3 percent, compared to the corresponding period last year.
During the foresaid period, maximum bank advance , 37.5 percent of total bank advance nearly 825,000billion rials was allocated to service sector, while agriculture sector received 8.9 percent, the least share ,of bank advance,.
82.6 percent of the bank advance in industry and mine sector, more than 531,000 billion rials was spent on supply of floating capital. Also, 8.1 percent was spent on creation of new units and finally 5.3 percent was allocated to expansion of this sector.


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