Sunday, 01 May 2016 823

Karbasian to Explain Revitalization of Iranian Industry in Zurich

Tehran, May1, IMIDRO_ Mehdi Karbasian, Chairman of the board of IMIDRO, will lecture on “Revitalization of Iranian Industry” in 3RD Europe_Iran Forum in Zurich, Switzerland.

Karbasian to Explain Revitalization of Iranian Industry in Zurich

According to the report of public relations of IMIDRO, 3RD Europe_Iran Forum set to be held in Zurich, Switzerland on May3-4, 2016.
Senior business executives, policymakers and industry experts from Iran and Europe will attend the event. This world class business conference will be the first major gathering following the implementation day, and not only to enable networking and business development, but also  to elevate the conversation about Iran’s role in the global economy by looking to the future.
Speakers will lecture on several subjects such as the role of banks in the Iranian economy, information and communication technology, leadership in the private sector, infrastructure and construction, strategies to secure financing, the future of Iran’s “mother industries” ,manufacturing and supply chain, transportation and logistics and strategies for global competitiveness.
In addition to Mehdi Karbasian, Majid Ghasemi CEO of Bank Pasargad, Giulio Haas Ambassador of Switzerland to Iran, Jarrett Blanc Deputy Coordinator, US State department, Parviz Aghili CEO of Middle East Bank, Aliashraf Afkhami Chairman of bank of Industry and Mine and many other delegations will lecture in this event.
Mehdi Karbasian will lecture on “Revitalization of Iranian Industry” in second day of the event.
First and second Europe_Iran Forum were held in London and Geneva on 2014 and 2015 respectively.

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