Saturday, 07 May 2016 1147

World’s Major Mining Companies Ready to Invest in Iran Mining Sector

Tehran,May5,IMIDRO_Major mining and financial companies in the world announced their readiness for investment in Iran’s mines and mining industries sector in the third Europe_Iran Forum in Zurich,Switzerland.

World’s Major  Mining Companies  Ready to Invest in Iran Mining Sector

According to the report of public relations of  IMIDRO,Trafigura ,the third largest raw material company in the world,is ready to invest in Iran’s copper industry,Jeremy Weir ,CEO of  Trafigura,expressed during a meeting with Mehdi Karbasian chairman of the board of IMIDRO,in the third Europe_Iran Forum in Zurich.
This two_day event was held on May3-4 with attandence of over 400 managers and experts of major mining,industrial,financial and insurance companies of the world.
Also,Karbasian met Gerard Terneyre,Vice-President of Vollourec,in this meeting they announced  that they are ready for joint venture to set up a seamless steel sheets production plant.
Seamless steel  pipes are used in oil and gas industries and are necessary for the economy of this sector but now they are being import from other countries to Iran.
During this event ,Karbasian met senior manager of KBC.They negotiated financing and investment in Iran’s minesand mining industries sector.For the first step,KBC announced its readiness to finance development projects worth 50 million Euros .
Karbasian as one of the speakers of the third Europe_Iran forum explained revitalization of Iranian industry in post sanctions era.
Some major Iranian companies and banks attended the event.Over 50 speakers from Iran and other countries presented their views about cooperation and investment opportninties in Iran.
Speakers lectured on several subjects such as the role of banks in the Iranian economy, information and communication technology, leadership in the private sector, infrastructure and construction, strategies to secure financing, the future of Iran’s “mother industries” ,manufacturing and supply chain, transportation and logistics and strategies for global competitiveness.
First and second Europe_Iran Forum were held in London and Geneva on 2014 and 2015 respectively.


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