Tuesday, 12 December 2017 1032

Official Inauguration of First DRI Plant Equipped with PERED Technology

Tehran, Dec12, IMIDRO_ Shadegan DRI plant as the first DRI Plant equipped with PERED (Persian Reduction) technology was inaugurated officially by First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri in Shadegan, Khuzestan province.

Official Inauguration of First DRI Plant Equipped with PERED Technology

According to the report of public relations of IMIDRO, Industry, Mine and Trade Minister, Mohammad Shariatmadari and Chairman of the board of IMIDRO, Mehdi Karbasian, attended the ceremony.

Jahangiri said: “Sponge iron production by PERED technology is a great achievement of Iranian engineers”.

During the inauguration ceremony, Mehdi Karbasian expressed:”this region needs employment so inauguration of this plant will improve employment in the region.it is predicted that operation of Shadegan DRI plant will lead to employment of 1000 persons.

He added: “Operation of Shadegan DRI plant will support Khuzestan steel ingot production”.

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