Friday, 17 July 2020 1395

In the seminar of preparation of the Gold Comprehensive Plan, attended by representatives of the private sector:

Gharibpour: "Gold Comprehensive Plan was presented / Private sector views are included in the Gold Comprehensive Plan"

The Gold Comprehensive Plan’s description of the services has been specified, Chairman of the board of IMIDRO announced. He said: "With the selection of the consultant, the preparation and compilation of the Gold Comprehensive Plan started. "

Gharibpour: "Gold Comprehensive Plan was presented / Private sector views are included in the Gold Comprehensive Plan"
According to IMIDRO’s Public Relations, speaking at the seminar of preparation of the Gold Comprehensive Plan, which was held in the form of a video conference with the presence of representatives of the private sector, Khodadad Gharibpour said: "By collecting information and policies in the gold industry and with the cooperation of the private sector, the plan will be prepared".

IMIDRO, in addition to developing explorations, is preparing a dynamic development roadmap for the gold industry, he emphasized and said: "In the comprehensive gold plan, items such as exploration, processing, export, domestic market… and the views of the private sector will be included."

Collaboration with the private sector in preparing a comprehensive gold plan This plan is the basis of development of the gold industry in the country Deputy Minister of Industry, Mines and Trade said. He continued: "We seek cooperation with the private sector in preparing this strategic document to determine the development policies in order to meet the expectations of the stakeholders by the consultant of this plan." According to him the experience of other countries and appropriate strategies for the prosperity of the market in the gold industry will be used in the Gold Comprehensive Plan.

IMIDRO’s comprehensive plans; Development basis

Gharibpour, noting that with the agreement of the head and deputy of Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, IMIDRO’s comprehensive plans will be the basis for the development of this field, said: "In comprehensive plans, development solutions can be seen in the product chain."

The report adds that Mouteh Gold Complex (a subsidiary of Imidro) is in charge of preparing and compiling the Gold Comprehensive Plan.

This meeting participated by Abbas Naimi, Vice President and Mohammad Aghajanloo, Vice President of Mining Development and Mining Industries of IMIDRO, Vajihollah Jafari, CEO of Iran Minerals Production Company, Mohammad Reza Talari, Manager of Mouteh Gold Complex, Mohammad Reza Bahraman, Chairman of Iran Mining House and Ebrahim Mohammadvali, Chairman Tehran Gold and Jewelry Union.

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