Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:17 1085
Category: Specialized articles
History of cement

History of cement

Archaeological discoveries and research conducted on ancient ruins and the work of historians indicate that the Romans were the first who found value in the application of cement. From 2600 BC to the middle of 18th century, in addition to clay and chalk, an adhesive material known as burnt lime was created synthetically by heating limestone (calcium oxide) and mixing it with water; this was converted into lime bloom, which in turn was converted into lime powder

The lime mortar mentioned above was used exclusively for constructing temple walls and other similar places. However, it could not be used in water canals due to absence of hardening properties; therefore, it was not possible to use it to build underwater structures, such as bridges, dams, or harbors.

Centuries passed before the Romans made a big discovery and used material called puzzolan to react with lime bloom in water and remain intact underwater. After the big discovery, they found advantage of mixing burnt lime and clay that was first step toward producing cement. The material formed by mixing puzzolan and burnt lime was called caemente in the era that was derived from Greek word caeder (which meant cutting and breaking) and was referred to stone chippings. The term caemente was used for materials that by mixing with a substance set it hard.
The material known today as cement was developed by Englishman James Parker in 1796. The term cement in German, English and French refers to all materials with adhesive property excluding bitumen and asphalt compounds used in construction and roads building. Portland cement approved as DIN 1164 standard in Germany for the first time in 1878.
Cement Industry in Iran
Cement import to Iran was made in Qajar period for the first time and then,with development of cement industry in the world and rising import by companies, embassies and Iranian merchants, establishment of cement plant appears inevitable in First Pahlavi era and in this regard, the first cement plant with production capacity of 100 tpd was established in southeast of Tehran near BibiShahrbanoo mountain in 1933. Then with increasing demand for the product while capacity of the plant was increased, other plants were established. Currently there are 77 active cement plants with overall capacity of 82 million tonnesper year. The capacity will increase to 86.7 million tonnesper year by implementation of new projects. At the moment, Iran’s cement production is 75 million tonnesper year that puts the country in the fourth place after China, India and United States. Turkey and Brazil are in fifth and sixth places with production of 70 million tonnes and 71 million tonnes respectively. With inauguration of expansion projects and production increase this Iranian year (2014-2015), Iran will reach to the third place in the global ranking. Currently United States produces 77 million tonnesof cement. Iran has also opportunities in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria rebuilding and Qatar construction projects for hosting 2022 World Cup.
Iran entrance to cement industry’s techno-engineering servicesexports market
More than 50 years after establishment of first cement plant in Iran, the country still faced with cement shortage. So Iran decided to increase production to cut import and join exporters of the product. Officials signed international contracts for setting up one million tonnes cement plant. As a result about 20 cement plants were launched. EhdasSana’at Company, as one of the subsidiaries of IMIDRO, charged with the task of regulating the cement industry, setting up several plants and then transferring them to the private sector as well as increasing technical level of Iranian engineers. With precise planning within 20 years, Iran became fourth largest cement producing country in the world and was placed among biggest exporters.Then idea of exporting techno-engineering services in the cement industry raised by IMIDRO and was placed among mission of EhdasSana’at.
Syrian Hama cement project
Carry out overseas projects was a new experience that EhdasSana’at Company entered through bidding in international tenders in 1998 and after an intense competition and winning, signed its first contract with state owned Syrian company GOC to build a cement plant with one million tonnes capacity at cost of 196 million dollars incity of Hama in 2000. The implementation phase of the project began in 2003 and in the end of 2007 the project came on stream successfully.
Venezuela cement project
Increased self confidence, work experience in internationalarena and work in line with international standards were only a numbers of outcomes of Hama Cement project in Syria for EhdasSana’at. So with decision of IMIDRO,EhdasSana’at encouraged to bid in international tenders and made a contract with Venezuela worth 194 million dollars for 36 months. Cerro Azul Cement plant is based in El Pinto, Monagas state in north east of Venezuela. According to Venezuelan sources, the government invested 395 million dollars in Cerro Azul project. During construction phase, on average 120 Iranian engineers and technicians and more than 800 Venezuelan workers and technicians were working on the project.
Venezuela needs high volume of cement due to the vast development plan and national home building projects and when the plant go on stream, will add more than 12 percent to the cement production capacity in the country.
In the past years, foreign companies dominate cement industry of Venezuela. Mexican cement giantCEMEX, third largest cement producer in the world, held 50 percent of production and the remaining was in the hands of French company Lafarge and Swiss Holcim but with decision of late Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, the government seized cement operation and signed draft of nationalizing cement industry along with accepting to pay damages.
According to agreements signed between Tehran and Caracas, Iran will cooperate in the fields of maintenance and increasing capacity of cement producing units with the American Latin country.After passing testing phase, Cerro Azul plant inauguratedin a ceremony attended by Iranian and Venezuelan officials in Septemberand with joining production cycle of the Venezuelan industry, put Iranian engineers names in the international cement industry. This Project will be inaugurated by two countries officials.
Ali BakhtiariGhale– Mine and Mineral Industries Strategic Expert
