Sunday, 05 August 2018 15:25 Monday, 04 October 2021 17:43 4274 چچ IMIDRO Electronic Services Determining the strategies, objectives, and plans of the subsidiaries and affiliated companies Providing technical and financial assistance for subsidiaries and affiliated companies Defining development plans and participating in mine and mining industries investment Managing development plans of subsidiaries and affiliates companies Setting up investment attraction in mining and mining industries sector Monitoring, supervising, evaluating and improving subsidiaries and affiliates companies Providing financial facilities for research projects, graduate theses, book publishing and holding conferences Training private sector in mine and mining industries sector Providing information services in mine and mining industries sector Preparation and publication of country’s comprehensive mine and mining industries chain development plans Helping to develop the necessary infrastructures in the priority areas of the mine and mining industries sector Cooperation with national and international specialized associations in the mine and mining industries sector such as Iron and Steel Association, etc. Implementing exploration projects in less developed areas Preparing and proposing required policies to the Ministries and governmental organizations آدرس کوتاه شده: