سال جهش تولید
    • تاریخ انتشار: ۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۲۴
    • Iran’s Investment to Achieve 52MT Steel Capacity

      Tehran,Sep15,IMIDRO_Iran is going to increase its crude steel production capacity to more than 52 million tons by the Iranian year1404,Mehdi Karbasian, Chairman of the executive board of IMIDRO said.
      Iran’s Investment to Achieve 52MT Steel Capacity

      According to the report of public relations of Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO),”We are going to achieve 66.2 million tons iron ore concentrate production capacity and 82.8 million tons iron ore pellets production capacity”, Mehdi Karbasian said in Metal Bulletin Iron and Steel conference at Kish Convention centre.
      400 managers and experts from foreign and domestic firms attend this conference at Kish Convention Centre 14-16 September.
      Deputy of Industry, Mine and Trade Minister noted that Iran is one of the safest countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
      Now Iran has 16 million tons crude steel production capacity including 36.8 million tons iron ore concentrate, 22 million tons iron ore pellets and 16 million tons DRI. In the second half of the Iranian year 1394, iron ore concentrate production and iron ore pellets production will be increased to 4 and 2.5 million tons respectively, he added.
      At the first seven months of 2015, Iran produced more than 9.6 million tons steel and this figure is 46 percent of the total production of these products in MENA. Iran produced more than 1.2 million tons crude steel capacity in July. Other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt with 560 thousands and 465 thousand tons ranked in the second and third place in MENA, Chairman of the executive board of IMIDRO said.
      Karbasian explained Iran’s situation in reserves of natural resources and skillful human resources in iron ore and steel sector and said Iran is going to invest 500 million euro in new iron ore exploration projects in the next 5 years.
      Chairman of the executive board of IMIDRO announced that we will have new investments in the southern coast of Iran worth 6.8 billion euro which $3.1 billion belongs to chabahar, $3 billion to Bandar Abbas and $800 million to Parsian Energy Intensive Industries Special Zone.
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