Monday, 12 December 2016 804

CSA Ready to Promote Standards of Iran’s Mining Industries Projects

Tehran, Dec12, IMIDRO_”CSA is ready to promote standards of Iran’s mining industries projects, CEO of Australia’s CSA Company announced.

CSA Ready to Promote Standards of Iran’s Mining Industries Projects

According to the report of Public relations of IMIDRO, Having experienced workforce and experts in mine and mining industries allowed Iran to be able to easily communicate with other countries, Neal Reynolds said.
As metals belt passing through Iran so this country has various types of minerals and high capacities in this sector, as an iceberg that only the tip of it can be seen, he expressed.
Managing Director of CSA noted the high risk of exploration and said foreign investment attraction is very complex. So, regulations should ensure and support foreign investors.
As a foreign investor I stress that Iran has activities in different sectors and appropriate investment system .with regarding to government’s mineral resources, it can promote various standards in mining sector such as environmental standards, he added.
Based on Reynolds, now Iran’s banking problems are being solved so there is a proper opportunity to develop mine and mining industries sector.