Tuesday, 21 July 2015 575

Triple Growth of Gross Domestic Product through Investment in Mine Sector

Tehran, July21, IMIDRO _Investment in mine sector leads to triple growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the chairman of the executive board of IMIDRO said.

Triple Growth of Gross Domestic Product through Investment in Mine Sector

The public relations of IMIDRO reports that mine sector has a specific situation as a basic factor for generation of industrial products. Currently, mining countries with respect to their policy and abilities export or processing minerals after the exploration. Undoubtedly, processing the minerals creates more added values for their owners, Mehdi Karbasian said.
According to the global assessments, each one percent growth in (GDP) in mine sector will lead to 3 percent growth in total (GDP), that is the reason that countries which do not have mineral reserves are interested in processing minerals, he added.
Rich mineral reserves are supporting and stimulating industries in Iran, equipping and processing minerals will lead to good promotion in country’s economy. At the present time with respect to the explored reserves (about 7 percent of the total area of the country), we are among ten top countries which own rich mineral reserves but we expected to promote our rank through new explorations, he continued.
Comprehensive nuclear agreement will make good opportunities for foreign investors who are interested in investment in exploration and processing minerals in Iran, he noted.