Sunday, 05 August 2018 15:53 Monday, 04 October 2021 17:47 735

Helping to develop the necessary infrastructures in the priority areas of the mine and mining industries sector

Service ID: 13041642104

Service description: Strengthening the mine and mining industries sector in areas requiring empowerment. Assistance to the development of infrastructure in priority areas of the mine and mining industries sector, such as road and electricity construction for less developed mines and the development of special economic zones is one of the services offered to mining companies and mining industries. In this section, IMIDRO will help creating the required infrastructures by paying some of the cost of developing plans and fixing and monitoring the problems.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Organization Statute
  • The rules of the country's development plan

Required Documents:

  • Agreement with the Country’s Management and Planning Organization

Average service time: according to different issue

Necessity of attending in person:

  • To authenticate the person
  • To prove the authenticity of the document
  • Lack of proper communication infrastructure

Service providers: Infrastructure Management

Phone number: +98-21- 88826957